What to look for when choosing a suburban site

Whatever the future owners want to build on country land, a huge cottage necessary for the permanent residence of the family, or a small country house, the path to it always begins the same – with the acquisition of the site. The acquisition of a site that would fully comply with the ideas of future owners about convenient living outside the city is a difficult task. Even if before that the buyer already had a land plot, and he understands what criteria you need to approach the choice. And even more not easy, if he collides with the acquisition of land for the first time. The variety of the assortment when selecting the Earth is no less, or even more than when acquiring a city apartment: the relief and nature of soils, the availability of transport and the presence of the winter entrance, the presence of neighbors nearby, what the future awaits this territory in a couple of years – that’s only part of the list of mandatory ones requirements that must be taken into account for future owners. How they solve this problem will depend on how comfortable their life in a personal house on their land will be. Quite often, buyers need to choose which of these criteria for them are more significant, and what they could calmly abandon. Start by creating a list of various requirements for a land plot is recommended by experts. We’ll have to choose: either proximity to the forest or pond, or proximity to work. If after moving the country, the owners want to return to work in the city daily, if the family has children and they need to be taken to school, then the main criterion for selecting should be high transport accessibility. Other buyers buy a house so that it becomes a place to relax, where the family will go on weekends or holidays. For this category of people, the location of the site in a picturesque area is more important than a comfortable transport interchange or the availability of stores near the village. In this case, the site can be located at an impressive distance from the city. On the site you can buy an inexpensive house, cottage or cottage in the village in the suburbs. Here you will find a photo gallery, projects of houses, options for sites and their cost.

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