How to sell a cottage through a real estate office

If you decide to sell your cottage, it is easiest to hire a real estate office and entrust this action to specialists. Of course, after the transaction, you will have to pay some percentage of the commission, but almost all the sellers who first tried to sell the cottage on your own, eventually agreed to the percentage that the Rieltor office asked for. This is due to the fact that the sale of any property is much more complicated than buying. Just imagine the situation that you, for example, are selling cottages in the Lomonosovsky district. You throw the announcement of the Internet on the Internet and begins: calls every 10-15 minutes with suggestions of the meeting, offers on the exchange with surcharge, offers from real estate agencies to sell your property, as well as take into account the percentage of those people who will call and ask a huge number of questions different nature about neighbors, the availability of shops, transport and so on. Everyone will have to answer, take the time. If you are sitting at home and do not work, then in principle, you can try to deal with this issue yourself. But, I assure you that if you work, then you simply will not have time to answer all the calls, but you still need to meet with potential buyers, and if there are ten of them, you will have to quit your job for the whole day, go to Cottage and wait for each of them there, but not everyone can afford it. When you conclude an agreement with the agency, all these responsibilities fall on the employee of the company. He accepts all calls, answers all questions and leaves for the meeting place with customers. Когда появляется реальный желающий купить ваше имущество, то риэлтор готовит все бумаги, решает все юридические аспекты, а вам остается только подписать все необходимые бумаги и получить деньги за продажу коттеджа.

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