Features of mortgage lending in the United States

More recently, mortgage lending and buying real estate in the United States was of little interest to foreign citizens. However, after 2007, only the lazy did not scold the mortgage system of this state, because this system became the collapse of the economy of most countries in the world. And until everyone completely moved away from the crisis and its consequences. Mortgage in America appeared during the time of Roosevelt, when state bodies were created that carried out this issue. Gradually, the mortgage and its use were actively developing, since citizens very much wanted to acquire their own housing.

Real estate prices in the United States depend on the state, city, the location of the object relative to the center or coast. And each state has its own real estate taxes. Modern conditions for mortgage lending in America vary depending on the bank. You can take a loan for the purchase of housing even for 30 years. And the minimum period is one year. 6% per annum is a loan rate, however, it can be floating. The initial contribution should be from 10 to 20% of the cost of housing. It does not affect the terms of lending whether you buy an apartment in a finished house, or do you want to buy an apartment in a house under construction.

To pay a loan, you can use not only cash, but also pay with a card. Very often, pseudo -plastic cards are used to pay for a variety of goods and services, which are practically not distinguished from the original. Such cards are printed on dense cardboard. Often, such cards are used as cards, discount cards, or as advertisements.

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