How to competently choose production real estate

A room for an office is necessary for any entrepreneur, regardless of the type of activity. To date, renting an office space will not be difficult, but any entrepreneur needs to know some points that should be taken into account when choosing an office premises. The city is usually located in the city center of class A, the price of which is quite high. The premises of class “B” and “C” are cheaper, but even this cost is sometimes not affordable for businessmen. That is why beginners prefer to look for alternative options.

How to choose the right area for the office room correctly? The main indicator in this case is square meters occupied by one employee multiplied by the number of employees in the company, this is the desired office of the office. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the fact that the lack of working space can lead to a decrease in working efficiency. According to certain standards, one employee should account for about four square meters. The scale of the offered premises is so large that here organizations perform engineering surveys or drilling can be placed, and it will not be difficult to find suitable rooms.

Depending on the type of enterprise’s activities, the office premises should have a certain meter. If the main direction of the organization is a representative office, then the area of ​​the premises should occupy more than 50 meters of square plus the offices of the authorities. If a certain workflow will be performed in the office, six square meters must be allocated to each employee. The office should also have rooms for network equipment and a room with stationery. The distance to the warehouse is determined for the performance and profitability of the organization.

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Buy or rent an office?

Any entrepreneur over time has the problem of acquiring an office premises, but the question is: what is better to buy it or rent it? There are various features in the processes of buying and renting an office, more on this in more detail. If there is a desire to purchase a premises in property, you need to weigh the whole “pros” and “against”. It is best to make such purchases, when the business is gaining momentum, holds good positions in the market, stands confidently on his feet. If it is at the stage of emergence, then it is best to temporarily rent an office.

Office rental in Moscow

Since the beginning of the 90s, the construction of business centers began in Moscow, which were necessary for the location of international corporations in them. It was at that time that significant figures that were able to carry out their first profitable investment on the market. With an increase in the number of buildings, they began to be divided depending on their location, the parameters of the construction of the quality and the number of equipment used in their construction, and also paid attention to the consciousness of various amenities necessary for tenants.

The choice of industrial real estate

In the implementation of the selection of objects that must meet all the requirements, the most difficult is the selection of the production real estate segment. This is practically not due to the fact that the number of requirements presented is much larger, in the same case when choosing an apartment. This is due to the fact that the number of sentences is much less, and it is quite difficult to find the required parameters in one place. In this regard, the selection of this kind of objects can last for several months. Now the requirements will be considered that can be presented to the production facility.

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