What housing is suitable for a young family selection criteria

The housing issue in any country, and especially in ours, has always been more than relevant for young families. Young people, marriage and, being not secured by their own individual housing, are forced to put up with a kind of position and look for alternative ways to resolve their housing issue. Apartment for a young family is like the first main line in their life. If the young people overcome it, and this overcoming does not break them, then this is the main sign that everything will be good for them in the future and the relationship is extending as long as possible.

And what are the alternatives of young people today? There are few of them: usually this is a rented apartment, in the best case, or joint accommodation with relatives and parents in their living space. These options do not allow young families to fully dispose of their time, not to mention planning their own life, disposal of property and about independent resolving the main life issues. Wasteen living with one of the parents, as a rule, is associated with the emergence of rather frequent in young intra -family scandals. The acquisition of the offspring usually exacerbates this ambiguous shaky and uncomfortable position. According to specialists, these factors are the basis for most divorces among young families. At present, such families have the opportunity to purchase their own apartment, though not all families are aware of this.

If the spouses are not older than 30 years old and with housing less than 12 m², the young family has every chance to solve their housing issue. To do this, you need to contact the housing department, there you can familiarize yourself with the federal program, which is aimed at solving housing problems of such families. Any married couple has the opportunity to become a participant in this program, draw up a subsidy and enter their own housing.

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