Rules for buying a country house what you need to know

When buying a country house, you need to follow some rules, thanks to which many troubles can be avoided. First of all, this concerns the rights of ownership of land and the house itself, which stands on it. Often, buyers make a mistake and are not convinced as follows that the rights to the house and land are formalized correctly and are also registered as it should. It often happens that the one who acquires the house closes his eyes to the fact that the seller’s land is not registered on the right of ownership, but, for example, on the right of a inherited lifelong donation. In this case, according to the law, the new owner does not have the right to dispose of at his discretion of this territory, say, to sell it subsequently. In addition, in the case of a lifelong donation, an agreement on the purchase and sale of the house may simply not register in the instances. The opposite situation happens. The client consent to the purchase of a house by a transaction of the purchase and sale of the site where this house is now located. But here it turns out that the seller did not issue a house, and therefore, he can equalize the unauthorized building, and the new owner will not be able to register it. Maybe, of course, it will work out, but only at what cost! We will have to go through seven circles of hell – courts, state bodies and endless ordeals in instances. Well, when it comes to scammers, the most common scheme can be considered the sale of a land plot or a house using a fake power of attorney. Here, in order to play it safe, you should do two things – check the notary of the authenticity of the power of attorney and find out if there is really a person who wrote it out. In case of authenticity of the power of attorney, it also does not interfere with how to find out why it was written. In a word, be extremely careful. You must know that no matter how the seller has placed you and no matter how your good friends praise you, never leave the documents for land and the house without attention. Make sure that the transaction is in full form, and all the papers were formalized correctly. It is not a problem to buy a house today, since the choice in this segment is quite large. You can buy a house in the Ramensky district or in any other, but be sure to see that all the documents are in order. It will be better to seek help in the real estate agency in order to reinsurance once again. When experts take up the matter, there is nothing to worry about.

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