How to remove the garage in Kyiv for the long term

If you need a garage, and for some reason you do not want to acquire it into property, you can take it in a certain time. Such a service is now provided by many garages owners.

If you are interested in the rental of a garage in Kyiv, you can find many options in any area of ​​the city. However, it should be noted that the rental rate range is very wide – from 50 to 1000 dollars per month. The cost of the lease depends on the location of the garage, its type, area, the presence of an observation pit and cellar, the features of internal equipment.

Today in Kyiv there is an opportunity to remove a garage of any type: for passenger or freight transport; brick, metal or concrete; usually located or in underground parking; protected or not.

If you want to avoid unforeseen problems, it is better to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the garage. As a rule, it will be entrusted to you on timely payment of rent and electricity, maintaining the premises in proper condition, conducting the current repair of the garage and its equipment.

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