What problems arise in the housing sector

The housing issue in the Russian Federation in the twenty -first century is even more acute than in those days that the famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov complained so much. And legal consultations on the housing issue are becoming more popular. Then it will be considered what is the reason for the increased demand for such services. To date, an average citizen is practically unable to purchase residential square meters at his own funds at a time. You have to take a mortgage loan, or turn to other debt obligations. In connection with such a problem, a large number of abuse are traced in the housing sector, and, often, frank manipulations with the legislation. Moreover, the unprecedented law, practiced in the Russian Federation and, as a result, enshrined laws, unfortunately, are far from the cranes far from perfection. Therefore, if desired, scammers and scammers can easily find loopholes in the legislation. But, in this case, we can talk about a focused motivated crime, and not an offense that can be qualified in one way or another. This requires more detailed consideration and, first of all, is related to the investigative authorities and relevant measures, and not, directly, to housing law. The most often problems in real estate disputes occur between certain relatives, which, as a rule, does not fall under the qualifications of a crime, but for some people, nevertheless may have enough, serious consequences up to serious costs or, even the loss of determined property rights. The most common causes of housing disputes are: divorce and entry into the rights of inheritance. By the way, the most difficult settlement is now fashionable for civil marriages.

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