What is life in Bulgaria Features

A variety of layouts of Bulgarian apartments provide a standard combination of a kitchen or kitchen box, hallway, one or more bedrooms, bathroom or shower, separate or combined bathroom. An integral part of the apartment in Bulgaria is the balcony. If the apartment is on the ground floor at low altitude, then a closed rear courtyard is possible. The counting of rooms in the apartment leads similarly to Russians, given the total number of a common room, living room, bedroom, children’s, dining room and office. Also, the hall may also include here, provided that the room has a large area. The apartment may have a pantry in the basement or an attic under the roof. Most of the Bulgarian houses are equipped with driveways that lock and have intercom. Cleanliness and order reign in the entrances, and there are no inscriptions on the walls and ceilings. Bulgarian apartment houses are divided into four types. The first species are blocks in the form of apartment buildings. Such a house often has panel origin, sometimes there are brick and monolithic residential buildings. The number of floors varies from 5 to 16, and there are 30-80 apartments.

The second type is cooperation. This type of buildings gained the most popular in the country, being the most popular segment in the housing market. Houses are going on an economic and luxurious class. The third type – apartments – at home for several apartments. Differ in the presence of all amenities, a yard with decorative plantations.

Elite apartments belong to the fourth type. These buildings are focused on wealthy Bulgarians and foreigners. High quality buildings is combined with an excellent level of service.

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