Sequence of actions when buying real estate in Turkey

Turkey is the most popular country among Russian tourists and many, having rested here, prefer to purchase real estate here in order to come here next time, to live not in the hotel, but in their house. This is also facilitated by the fact that real estate prices in Turkey are quite affordable (especially compared to prices for Moscow real estate) and Turkish laws are very liberal for foreign investors. So, what stages include the process of buying an apartment in Turkey?

1. Having selected the object, it is necessary to conclude a contract with the owner of the real estate in the notary office, which indicates the owner and buyer.

2. Now you need to obtain permission from the military department of Turkey for the purchase of real estate, this management is in Izmir. The issuance of these documents can be delayed for 2-6 months.

3. After you receive all the necessary documents, you need to collect them and go with them to the cadastral administration, which is also in Izmir. It is here, in the cadastral administration, that the final calculation is carried out with the seller, a contract of sale is concluded. Then you get an extract called tapa – this is a very important document, it is he who certifies your right to housing.

4. Everything, now your apartment is and you can enter into property rights. It is very important to make an apartment fee in time, where in addition to all utility services, the pool is paid, protection and cleaning of the territory.

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