Distinctive features of the cottage village in the line

In our society, the opinion is that a country house is unreasonably expensive, inaccessible and unrealistic. But this is just for the time being. Today, the entire Moscow buildings began to go beyond the MKAD, since it is already overpass to build housing in the capital itself. However, when you find yourself in a company that is engaged in the sale of economy class sites and the construction of suburban cottage villages, all doubts are dispersed. And already not only the cost itself comes to the fore, but also a lot of amenities with which life is associated outside the noisy and eternally hurrying city. Of course, while the transport accessibility of some cottage villages leaves much to be desired, but over time, this problem will be eliminated. Many of us have long dreamed of our housing, but are convinced that having gone beyond the fronts of the city, they will lose their status. Unfortunately, this situation is observed even among those who are forced to rent housing for a lot of money. However, here you need to take into account a lot of nuances. For example, the cottage village of Istra is located relatively close to the capital, and therefore many can afford to spend the evening in their favorite restaurant or relax in the club. By the way, in the construction of suburban cottage villages Novorizhskoye Shosse, it takes almost the first place. Inexpensive land plots, low construction costs, compressed construction periods – and at your disposal there is a huge house instead of a close kopeck in the smoked exhausts in Moscow. How do you like this prospect?

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