What is a corporate apartment

Everything seems to be according to the rules, since you have bought the apartment from the state, and it is already your property, you simply must keep it in order. But only to many of our citizens it will be difficult to explain this, because they believe: if they bought an apartment, then all the other benefits are attached to it. They do not consider it necessary to pay even for ordinary utility services: garbage, light, gas, water, not to mention fixing the elevator, whitewash and so on. They are constantly trying to deceive controllers in all ways, to knock out pity from them and a mean tear with her. And the sales of white doors is almost constantly. A simple example, the house was turned off in the house. The eldest home begins to walk around the apartments and collect money in order to call an electrician. As a result, the doors opened only a few apartments and paid the right amount. The rest drove, as they say, on someone else’s hump. Is it possible to create their own cooperative apartments with such people with such people? The answer suggests itself by itself. On the other hand, it will be possible to understand the indignation of residents living on the first floors of a multi -storey building, and which will have to invest in order to fix the roof of the house and, for example, the elevator. After all, they do not care about such problems. But this is not a way out. And what will be the further prospects of KSK? How much will the residents who have expressed the desire to create their own cooperative owners of apartments, registration, and what documents will be included there, the VD VD was told by the senior specialist of the registration department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, Churabek Gafurov. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan in terms of registration of legal entities, regardless of ownership, exercises on the basis of a provision that was approved by Decree of the Government on December 28, 2006 and the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On State Registration”.

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