How to sell a room in a communal service sequence of actions

Когда в жизни человека случаются перемены и, имея в собственности комнату в коммуналке, он принимает решение ее реализовать. In the legislation, he will not be able to sell the room, first of all, without offering it to purchase it with his own neighbors, since they have an advantage of buying. Moreover, he must indicate in the contract the value at which he intended to realize the room, and in no case no more. In the case when the neighbors are expressed to refuse to acquire, it is allowed to give ads on the sale, having in their hands the refusals of neighbors in writing, which must be executed by the notary. When the neighbors are in not bad friendly relations, then there are no problems here. But when the relationship between honey with neighbors remains to be desired, then the probability increases that they can interfere in the process of selling the room. How? The evasion is to make a refusal. Often people go to any tricks if only to do otherwise. And more often the matter is not that they want to disrupt the deal, they simply do not want to get a new, unknown resident in a communal apartment. In some step, this is quite clear. People do not want to change the usual lifestyle, since it is not clear what to expect from a new neighbor. Suddenly a former criminal can buy a room or a lot of migrant workers will settle in a grim. And such a resulting situation puts into question the outcome of the transaction. However, there is always a way out. If it turned out that the neighbors did not work out good -neighborly relations, a person may not notify their neighbors orally about the implementation, but send them an order about the advantages of buying the room sold and certainly with a notification. When they do not want to get a room, but they will not want to issue a refusal, then after 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of their order, a person receives the right to sell the room to anyone. Only there you will find modern combines at a reasonable price and with fast delivery. When the seller receives the right to full sale, he can visit the realtor on the same day for the purchase of the services suitable for him. The specialist will quickly do all the work and save from numerous segments. In such a way, having decided to sell your housing, which consists of communal living space, the most important concern will be the resolution of all issues with neighbors, the specialist can do everything else.

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