How to sell a mortgage apartment to what to pay attention

There are many reasons why a person may need to sell an apartment for which a loan is not fully paid for. Very often people come to such a decision who can no longer continue payments on the loan, as well as people who want to move to another city or purchase an apartment with a larger quadratus in connection with the birth of a child. Be that as it may, I immediately want to say that the reason that will need to be called in the bank, specifying the need to sell mortgage real estate, should be really serious. If someone thinks that it is possible to sell such real estate without the consent of the bank, then it will not work out in a legal way to do it. Well, you can buy a sandwich panel in Kyiv by visiting the site. Only there there are high -quality panels at reasonable prices. In most cases, banks meet borrowers who really have serious reasons for the sale. At the same time, the bank can offer both the renewal of the loan to the new owner, which will take on obligations to further repay the mortgage, as well as early repayment of the loan with funds received from sale on the day the contract of sale. Renewal of a mortgage to another person contrary to the erroneous opinion of many people that it is impossible to re -register his loan on another person, I want to say that the Law of the Russian Federation really exists an article on the possibility of reinstalling debt. However, such an assignment can be possible only with the consent of the creditor who does not always want to say goodbye to a trustworthy client who does not violate the repayment schedule. If the bank nevertheless approved the renewal, then the mortgage designer must come to the bank with the buyer of real estate and draw up an appropriate application, which should submit the reason for the renewal and a full package of documents of a possible new borrower. It is necessary to have an initial loan agreement and all receipts on making monthly payments with you. The bank’s decision is usually made for 2-3 days, after which the first mortgage designer receives a certificate of exemption from debts, and the new borrower draws up another mortgage agreement with the bank, which may provide for the introduction of collateral, regardless of the initial execution of the loan or not.

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