Features of the procedure for renting an apartment for rent

A person with real estate can lease it and legally revenue. Particularly popular in recent years rental surgery with objects such as apartments. Typically, the owners are trying in this way to do everything necessary in order to do without intermediaries, because you have to surrender to a commission, which sometimes can be quite large.

In order to find tenants without contacting specialized agencies, it is necessary to resort to some simple tricks.

It is best to start with the preparation of the apartment itself. Cosmetic repairs will transform the dwelling in such a way that potential tenants will want to remove it with greater joy.

Next, you need to take care of advertising. You can independently place ads in newspapers, notify friends or colleagues about the search for tenants. Then it will be much easier to rent a room without spending money for this to pay the commission to realtors. It is only necessary with each of the potential tenants to agree in advance about the possible period during which they will live in the apartment.

In the event that one of his acquaintances decided to rent an apartment, you do not need to trust him. Still, real estate is quite expensive, so you should check the documents of the tenant. If possible, it is worth inviting witnesses who could subsequently confirm that the contract was concluded. Now usually private firms rent rooms to other people thereby making money on this.

The contract itself deserves a separate mention. It must be compiled in duplicate. It can be made both in print and written by hand. It indicates the data of both parties, the features of the lease, the terms during which the apartment will be rented out, as well as the value of the owner’s remuneration.

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