Selection of land

A rather responsible business is the selection of a land plot. A front of how to purchase any site must be extremely carefully checking many factors and circumstances that may lead to unpleasant consequences in the future. After all, few people want to invest in construction and not to justify their own expectations.

First of all, choosing real estate in Cheboksary, pay attention to the area of ​​the site. It is recommended to select such a site that would not be very small, but not big. Often the area of ​​the future plot for the construction of the house is determined based on the area of ​​the house itself. The most optimal is the ratio of 1 to 10. That is, if the area of ​​your house is 100 square meters, then the area of ​​the site should be of ten acres sizes. After you have decided on the dimensions of the future site, you must take into account a few more important points.

First, find out about the place where the potential land is located, which you want to purchase. It will be good if you talk to your neighbors who live near the site being examined. You can also visit the local government and get even more useful information about the land that you want to purchase. Check out the results of planning, monitoring, zoning of local land, ask about the situation with the land cadastre. All this is extremely important, since in the future it can save you from problems with the impossibility of building a bought land with housing.

You should get acquainted with the presence of various engineering networks and communications that are brought to the site or can be summed up. The most important thing is water supply. Do not be too lazy to find out how it is delivered or will be delivered to your site. It often happens that outside the city there is no common water supply. In this case, the best option would be the drilling of the well right on the site. Sometimes it happens that the aquifer is located at a depth of more than 40 meters and such drilling will be expensive. Such areas are usually sold at a low price.

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